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How to wear a long skirt Archives - Style Clinic



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It is a common misconception that petite/short girls should avoid wearing hemlines that are on the longer side. Most people would recommend shorter hemlines would showcase one’s legs and elongate one’s overall look and create a flattering and statuesque silhouette. However, there are ways for petite fashionistas to pull off this coveted and hot hemline, especially for this season. Maxi dresses and long skirts abound on the runways and on the street style scene, and there’s no reason that petite girls can’t get in on the fashion fun. Get with the trends with these styling tips and tricks to ensure that you look your absolute best.

Wear shoes with medium to high heels

This will give you some extra height to help carry off the long length. Nothing too extreme 3-5 cms (1-2”) will do the trick.

Add Heels

Source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3.

Avoid Shoes with Blunt Toes and High Vamps

These are the quickest way to make legs look heavy and aged. Toes that have a slight to extreme point will slim and elongate your feet and ankles. High vamps (where you place you foot into the shoe) will make feet look broad, and very rounded toes will make ankles appear thicker and the legs shorter.

Heavy shoes

Source, Top Row: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3

Bottom Row: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3

Wear Boots

Wear boots that either reaches under the hemline to create a smooth line with the skirt and boot or wear opaque hosiery the same color as the boots. This tip works especially well with knee-grazing silhouettes. A great styling tip to add variety to your skirt rotation, there is no need to limit oneself to mini hemlines.

Pointed Heels

Source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3.

Wear Straight or Tapered Styles

Straight and tapered skirts are by far the most slimming. Wide, flared styles will make you look shorter and heavier. Keep in mind that you will appear to be as wide as your widest hemline. Likewise ensure the fabric is not too heavy, nor should there be so much fabric that it will drag your apparent height down. Lighter fabrics that skim your figure are best.

Straight over wide

Source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3.

Keep Your Hemline Understated

Avoid hemline borders or embellishment as well as too loud or bright footwear, as these lead the eye to the base of your body. Opt instead to add an item of interest above your bust line to encourage the impression of height and draw the eye upward. Nude heels for when you’re going bare legged or shoes that blend in color with your hemline are both excellent choices as they continue the elongation of the legs and silhouette. A statement necklace or a pair of eye-catching earrings is flattering accessories that a petite girl would do well to invest in.

When in Doubt, Go Monochromatic

Keep this fashion rule top of mind. Wearing one color from head to toe is the surest way to achieve a lengthening overall effect. It is also a chic, easy, and elegant way to get dressed.


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Show Off Your Shape

When accessorizing and/or styling yourself, never forget to accentuate your waist. Creating a flattering waist shape or showing off your hips and bottom is a great way to showcase your figure when wearing longer hemlines.


Source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3

Opt for Slits

Slits of all lengths and styles are now being spotted everywhere, most especially in long skirt or maxi dress silhouettes. These slits are a great way to break up the substantial clothing silhouette and add a subtle hint of sexy. Slits can be elegant and fashion forward when done right. When wearing something with a slit, keep the accessories minimal and let that feature be the focus of your ensemble.


Source: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3.