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Close up of a beautiful woman looking at the horizon with a hand in forehead

2016 is about to dawn and with a new year comes the promise of new opportunities, fresh starts and better and exciting times ahead.

Whatever your dreams, to achieve them you’ll need supportive friends, a positive mindset and a sound plan to keep you on track. Big goals require courage, commitment and resilience. With every set-back you rise from, you’ll grow stronger and wiser – so never, ever give up. Those who reach their goals are rarely the brilliant or talented but those who have persevered long after others have given up.

This week’s post is a collection of wise words from the many people who have influenced my life (especially my parents).

New Beginnings

~ Never be satisfied until you have found your purposeNever stop searching for why you were put on this earth and what your God-given talent is.

~ Find something that you are passionate about. Passion creates the enthusiasm that delivers boundless energy and will inspire others to believe in you. 

Build your future on integrityBe a person of your word. The unity of passion and integrity is a powerful force. 

Don’t do or say anything you would not want to read about in tomorrow’s news – you are a person of influence, whether it be to your friends, your children or your clients. If you lie, cheat or mislead you imply to others that it is acceptable behavior. 

Take a little step toward your goal/dream every day – even if you can only spare five minutes. 

Appreciate the journey – many successful people will tell you that once they arrived at their goal, they realized that the journey was the best part.

Associate with people whom you wish to become like – the old saying ‘lay down with dogs, rise up with fleas’ has its basis in fact.

Try to make wise decisions – the choices you make will affect your future just as they have created your present circumstances, take the time to think things through and seek wise council. 

Expect to make mistakes - They are life’s most valuable lessons. Failure only comes when you have not learned from a mistake and you repeat it. 

Expect things worth having not to come easily – Success is the reward for struggle and hard work.

Never forget your potential - even if others do.

~ No matter how much you look forward or dread something, it always passes; nothing is permanent so hang tight and appreciate every moment.  

Find someone who believes in you – negative people will only rob you of your potential.

~ Hugs your kids often and call your parents every week. Tell them you love them – they need to hear it more than you realize.

Evict your personal critic – when your inner voice starts to undermine your confidence, send it packing. 

Create a personal success file – and add to it daily, even if it is something small. Read it once a week to remind yourself of your progress. 

Do something nice for another person daily – without expectation of return. This can be as small as letting a car in, during peak hour or giving someone a genuine compliment. 

Spend time with your friends and family – they are your most valuable assets. Life is short and its length unpredictable, so get up now and go phone someone. 

Nurture yourself – eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, take regular time-out and spend time with those who love you. 

Value yourself – Don’t feel guilty if you occasionally spend money on yourself or buy something frivolous. Shrouds don’t have pockets and you’re definitely worth it. 

Occasionally do something silly - The best stress-reliever and depression-buster is laughter. 

Pray for guidance and expect an answer.


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